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Measurements of five models of metronome: Neewer, Neewer (photo), Patent, TB 06 and TB 07. The first two correspond to a contemporary metronome, a Neewer NW-707. The difference is that Neewer corresponds to precise direct measurements in a dismantled metronome, while Neewer (photo) measurements were taken from a photograph. The rest of the models follow this methodology. The third one, Patent, corresponds to the original diagram from Maelzel's 1815 English patent. Finally, TB 06 and TB 07 are metronomes number 6 and 7, respectively, from Tony Bingham's collection (see the references).






metr.neewer provides oscillation frequency measurements for the Neewer metronome.

markmetronome mark, in pulses per minute.
bpmmeasured frequency, in pulses per minute.
bpm.sestandard error of bpm, in the same units.

metr.marks provides position measurements of each metronome mark for all the metronomes.

modelmetronome model.
markmetronome mark, in pulses per minute.
rdistance from the shaft to the mark, in mm.
r.sestandard error of r, in the same units.

metr.params provides measurements of fixed dimensions for all the metronomes. All the additional columns suffixed with .se are the standard errors of the corresponding variables in the same units.

modelmetronome model.
rcmposition of the center of mass of the upper mass with respect to the metronome mark, in mm.
llength of the rod over the shaft, in mm.
Rdistance from the shaft to the center of mass of the lower mass, in mm.
Llength of the rod below the shaft, in mm.
Aoscillation amplitude, in degrees.


Bingham, T. and Turner, A. (2017) Metronomes and Musical Time: Catalogue of the Tony Bingham Collection at the exhibition AUF TAKT! Held in the Museum für Musik, Basel. London. ISBN: 978-0-946113-11-8.